Math Facts Fun (MFF)

Start improving student fact fluency today, starting here.

What is this for?

Math Fact Fun web-app streamlines the benchmarking of math facts, facilitates progress-monitoring , and features tools for math fact practice.

Is this something new?

The specific items, interventions, and strategies are derived from the established Measures and Interventions for Numeracy Development (MIND) package.

What students are a good fit?

The activities included in the Math Fact Fun program are broadly applicable to a wide range of learners (i.e., Tiers I-III).

What can I do with this?

This app was designed to be a general resource for teachers, consultants, and others interested in supporting the development of math facts.

How can I join?

The Web App is currently invite-only as it is being evaluated for K-6 learners. It will be released as an open-source project upon submission for peer-review.

Is this evidence-based?

All materials in the Web App are based on Dr. Brian Poncy's Measures and Interventions for Numeracy Development (MIND).